6 Essentials For The Perfect Road Trip By Noelle Cope

6 Essentials For The Perfect Road Trip By Noelle Cope

Who doesn’t dream of the perfect road trip?  Data shows that a lot of Angelenos think road trips are one of the best things to do in Los Angeles – especially during COVID.   I’m a firm believer that anyone who doesn’t like road trips doesn’t like them because they they’ve never done them right.

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Growing up in a small town road tripping was a way of life. So, as a pro road tripper I offer to you my 5 road trip essentials to make sure that your road trip is everything you could have dreamed of and more.

  • Snacks:
  • Getting the right road trip snacks together is the most important. No one can have fun when they are hanngry. And while pulling over at new and exciting places along the way is amazing you need something to munch on in between in all.  My personal go-to’s are Veggie straws, m&ms, Trail Mix ( have to have something healthy thrown in ) and an iced tea or coffee. 
  •  An Amazing Playlist:
  • Creating the perfect road trip playlist is it’s own art form and not every DJ is up for the challenge. But with a few tips it’s a skill anyone can learn to master. First it must be the perfect mix of new hits to help you feel in  this moment in time, personal nostalgia tunes, and classic bops everyone knows. For me you can never go wrong with the Blues Brothers, Beatles, Beach Boys, or California Dream’ on a road trip. Never been on a trip and had these let us down or killed the mood.
  • A Good Travel Companion: 
  • Compromise is at the core of every relationship. But a travel companion doesn’t just have to refer to our friends and family many times it can include our 4 legged friends.  Or in modern times solo travelers can opt for a virtual travel companion – like us to help share the secrets, mysteries, and wonder of the road no compromise needed.
  • The Right Outlook:
  • Let’s face it the world around is chaotic all the time. Our jobs and responsibilities are endless and stressful to say the least. But taking a moment before you start the engine to clear all of that ( or most of it ) out changes everything that will happen after you start the engine. The right outlook is the difference between being an explorer and being another commuter going from point A to point B without gaining anything in between. Being present and letting go of everything outside this moment. Focusing just on the distance between you and the horizon opens you fully up to the wonders that are hidden everywhere.
  • Lastly Sunrise or Sunset: 
  • This last one isn’t as much a true essential as much as it is a piece of personal tradition. So  in my not so humble opinion no road trip is a legit road trip unless I’ve greeted the sun hello as I set out on my journey or or watched the sun lower down in some new place slowly sinky side by side as my car travels along carrying me towards my destination.
  • Check to see if Wayfarer offers tours along the Way—Wayfarer Journey’s GPS guided tours create the ideal road trip experience, blending the experience of Guided Tours with the safety, format, and ease of a podcast, but with the flexibility you need. Pull over, pause, finish the tour in one day or many – solo or with the whole family.

Download Wayfarer Journey today from the App store to see if a tour is currently available for your road trip adventure! https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wayfarer-journey/id1494184775

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This tour is designed to test performance of the app in conditions of low cell service.


Wayfarer provides GPS-enabled, self-guided tours that blend travel-guide knowledge with world-class storytelling. Get a unique tour, all from the comfort of your own car.


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